GPS Information

Garmin eTrex Legend HCx FAQ: Routes

1. Routes
1. What is a route?
2. What limits are present in the routes?

1. Routes

1. What is a route?
2. What limits are present in the routes?


What is a route?

A route is a sequence of points that one would navigate to. "Start at point A, proceed to point B, then end at point C."


What limits are present in the routes?

Notably, the GPS will only compute a straight line naviagation from point to point in a route if you have no routing maps installed.

Unlike the auto navigatio units like StreetPilot and the better Nuvis, it will not use route points as vias; if you are navigating a route on the handset, it will route you to the endpoint, ignoring any viapoints you created in Mapsource on the desktop.

The device can hold 50 routes, each with 50 points.

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