GPS Information

Magellan Explorist 400™ FAQ: Accessories

1. Memory
1. What's the largest memory card supported by Magellan Explorist 400™?
2. I've seen SD memory cards claiming to be 150x. Does that matter in a GPS?
2. Antennas
1. Can I attach an external antenna to my Magellan Explorist 400™?
3. Mounting
1. What options exist to mount Magellan Explorist 400™
4. Protective Covers
1. What carrying cases are available for Magellan Explorist 400™?

1. Memory

1. What's the largest memory card supported by Magellan Explorist 400™?
2. I've seen SD memory cards claiming to be 150x. Does that matter in a GPS?


What's the largest memory card supported by Magellan Explorist 400™?

No known maximum size exists yet. Users have reported succed with 2GB cards, but since the detail maps of all the continents fit on a card that size (and becuase they get really expensive as they get larger than that) nobody has reported trying anything larger.


I've seen SD memory cards claiming to be 150x. Does that matter in a GPS?

No. Flash memory is a lot faster to read than it is to write. The classic case where it matters is a digital camera where you may want to write a couple of MB (hi-res picture) a couple of times a second. Designs that are dominated by reading the memory (i.e. mp3 players or GPSes) instead of writing to it don't really benefit from the improved write speeds .

2. Antennas

1. Can I attach an external antenna to my Magellan Explorist 400™?


Can I attach an external antenna to my Magellan Explorist 400™?

No Explorist model has an antenna jack. You may use a reradiating GPS antenna Unless you're using it in an enclosed area like the hull of a boat, you're unlikely to find this necessary.

3. Mounting

1. What options exist to mount Magellan Explorist 400™


What options exist to mount Magellan Explorist 400

Magellan sells windshield plunger mounts. Some people report success with vent clips or cell phone holders in their car such as the Radio Shack 17-548.

4. Protective Covers

1. What carrying cases are available for Magellan Explorist 400™?


What carrying cases are available for Magellan Explorist 400™?

Gilsson makes the Gilsson MEN GPS case.

Cartom Explorist cases

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